
Software installation must be as simple as possible. Thus, we have opted not to use installers at all. Instead, we ship the binaries directly. The customer just needs to unpack the ZIP file and the software is ready to use right away.

We ship native binaries for
Windows and Linux

Running an agent on a different machine is no more complex than copying binaries to the new machine and running a single executable file.

Deployment in Standalone Mode

Firstly, you need to run the Omni Loader executable. On Windows, that's a file named OmniLoader.exe, while on Linux, it’s simply OmniLoader. Running Omni Loader requires just a single parameter and that's the port where it should listen as a local web server. Omni Loader has a whole web server built in, used for a web application with a user interface for the Omni Loader.

To make it as simple as possible, we also provide a simple batch file called run-standalone.bat which starts Omni Loader listening on a default port of 5000. When you head over to the browser after you have started Omni Loader and type in localhost:5000, you will be presented with a modern and very easy-to-use web application where you can control all aspects of your migration.

When you want to shut Omni Loader down, you need to stop the console process that you have started earlier.

Deployment in Cluster Mode

Cluster Mode is only slightly more complex than Standalone. The process itself is virtually the same, but you need to run separate agents that connect to Omni Loader over a network. Omni Loader acts as an orchestrator to the agents. You can run a single agent on the same machine where the orchestrator is but do not run more than one as that would not result in higher performance.

Omni Loader Cluster is designed to run on as many machines as you have available for the migration. The process of running Omni Loader as an orchestrator is the same as running it in a standalone mode, but you need to supply an additional parameter --cluster. When you go to add more machines, the process of deploying the agents is equivalent.

Run the Omni Loader agent executable (OmniLoaderAgent.exe on Windows, or OmniLoaderAgent on Linux) and give it a single parameter, the IP:port of the Omni Loader orchestrator.

Running in the Console Mode

To run Omni Loader in Console Mode, simply supply the -job parameter. This parameter should specify the full or relative path to the JSON job descriptor file. Omni Loader will run through the whole migration after which you can examine the logs to ensure that everything went as expected.

One of the log files is a detailed JSON log file designed for machine consumption.

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Candice Doe
Product Manager, Sisyphus
Save time, increase efficiency.

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